01256 636 509 Winter Office Hours 9.00-12.30pm. Jan sale now on! [email protected]

GEOX’s Flagship Store Showcases Matthews Irene Fan

The brand new London flagship GEOX shoe store has just opened in the heart of London’s Covent Garden.   This classy Italian fashionable shoe brand knows all about high-end taste and style so it is no surprise that it selected to use our beautiful Matthews Irene fans.  The entrance of this fabulous store showcases two of these 5 bladed low energy DC ceiling fans. Their brilliant Italian architect picked them and has created an impressive design using them. We worked with them to ensure that the fans would fit and work well with the design.  They are now rolling this concept out into a swathe of new stores around Europe and have just bought 4 more for their next new shop in Rome due to open in March.  The staff and customers adore them – why not go and see for yourself?  The London store is just opposite the tube station in Long Acre on the opposite site after Marks and Spencer.
To buy https://henleyfan.com/…/matthews-atlas-irene-5h-hugger…/
