01256 636 509 Winter Office Hours 9.00-12.30pm. Jan sale now on! [email protected]

Cafe Rouge Henley Gallery

Cafe Rouge Rolls Out Hunter Ceiling Fans Nationwide

Now you can see some of our lovely Hunter Seville and Savoy ceiling fans in a high street near you.  The famous French Brasserie chain is rolling-out a programme of installing Hunter fans in all of its 79 restaurants across the UK.   These shots are from their restaurant in the market town of Henley, famous for it’s annual rowing regatta.  Their corporate interior designers wanted to add some focus and interest to the ceiling area of their restaurants and so embarked on a robust selection exercise.  After considering a number of brands they decided to go with Hunter due to our strong brand name, history, reliability, lifetime warranty and fantastic style.  They picked the Hunter Seville II in new bronze and the Hunter Savoy in antique brass.  Both have modern contemporary finishes and look perfect in their restaurants.  Why not call in at your local Cafe Rouge for a coffee and see how good they look?



