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We are the UK and EC distributors for Waste King disposers.  These are the World’s best performing units and offer the longest warranties on the market.  Waste King have been making them for over 60 years and are the second biggest producer globally, making over 1m units a year. They were rated as the No 1 waste disposal unit by the independent US Consumer Report magazine. The US Consumer Report magazine is the leading authority that tests all the main products for consumers.  Just look at the great thought and many design features that have gone into the construction of a Waste King unit in the diagram here.  These features provide the maximum benefits to the user in terms of installation, use, performance and longevity – guaranteed!

We stock 2 models WKI-2600 and the WKI-3300 which will address the requirements of 99% of households. The WKI-2600 is a smaller unit as it is 1/2 hp and so will fit in tight spaces.  It is suitable for 1-2 person households.  The WKI-3300 is 3/4 hp and suitable for households of 3 or more. There are plenty of other independent reviews on the internet confirming their superior quality.

waste king cutaway

1. High Speed

Waste King International disposal units operate at around 2,800 rpm (revs per minute) vs the other brands at 1725 rpm.  This 60% higher speed results in 3 times the cutting and grinding power to the teeth (as power is proportional to speed squared) when running to pulverize the waste quicker, prevent jams and make a powerful vortex that mixes and flushes away the debris very efficiently and quickly.

  • Saves Time – It disposes of waste faster.
  • Saves Water –  It grinds faster and runs for a shorter time.
  • Saves Electricity – Finishes the jobs faster.

2. Maximum Starting Torque

All Waste King motors have 300% more torque (grinding power) than any other brand due to the use of permanent magnets rather than induction ones which take time to energise.

  • A Waste King never jams from food – it does have a cutoff protection system to prevent damage occurring if a coin or metal foil is dropped into it.
  • No need for auto-reverse.
  • No need for an unjam key.
  • No wasted time and hassle unjamming.

3. The Longest Warranties on Market

Waste King offers a lifetime warranty on its products which is the longest warranty in the business.  Why? because they are so confident in the quality and reliability of their products.  The warranty covers both corrosion on the chamber leaking (which is the no 1 cause of failure of units) as well as on the mechanical failure of the unit.  Given the very tough job that this unit has to do that is one massive warranty which nobody else can match.   Why replace your unit every 2,3,4 or 5 years when you can have it for life?  Add in the time, hassle and cost savings of getting a plumber to replace your failing unit and that is quality worth having!

 4. Rated No 1 by US Consumer Report Magazine

The Waste King Legend was rated No 1 because they grind finer, don’t jam and the inside chamber is tougher according to US Consumer Report Magazine.

5. Large Market Share

Waste King is one of only two major manufacturers that between them make 95% of all waste disposers on the market.  They have been making them for over 60 years and are still made with genuine all US tooling.

6. Unique, Robust Long-Lasting Design


At the coal-face Waste King uses cast stainless-steel cutters, one of the toughest and most durable materials known, unlike the cheap stamped-steel used by the competition.  Stainless also gives a rust-free operation.  Waste Kings have fast and easy mounting systems, the toughest corrosion-proof glass coated grinding chambers possible along with a large opening for ease of feed and removable splash guards for easy inspection.

7. Sound Insulation

Waste Kings are designed to minimise noise with effective space-technology sound insulation to make them much quieter than the competition.  Since they are so efficient they only need to be run for shorter periods which cuts down on overall noise too.

8. Quick and Easy to Fit

Waste Kings come fitted with an electric cord and plug as standard.  Add in the EZ-Mount coupling means the fitting can be done by any competent DIY person in minutes.  This simply needs a 1/8 twist to mount it instead of the usual 3 screws plus there is no need to use putty on stainless steel sinks.

9. Handy reset button

Waste Kings have the reset button mounted at the front of the unit for convenience, not at the back or underneath.


10. Safe for Septic Systems

Waste King Legend disposers are designed to be used in septic systems.  No silver is used as a “Bacteria Guard” which would harm not only a septic system but also the anaerobic and aerobic bacteria that treat the effluent at the sewage treatment works.


11. Bonus Reason! – Removable Splash Guards

Splash guards are used to prevent the food from splashing out of the disposer and other unsuitable objects from dropping in .   With age the leave of the splash guard can break off and so removable ones are considered essential and fitted to all Waste Kings.  In addition the removable guards:

  • Avoid bad odours – since they can be easily removed and cleaned.
  • Easily see to locate and clear any unsuitable objects.
  • Insert a large quantity of food if needed.

Top tip: Buy a Waste King Legend disposal unit when you buy your new dishwasher and save on installation charges because they both use the same drain and electrical sources.

Buy now!
