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Zephyr Fan – Greek God Of The Wind

Henley Fan has now launched the Zephyr ceiling fan, named after the Greek god of the west wind and spring breezes Zephuros.  This is our own Henley Fan brand high performance, high specification low energy ECO fan.  This ceiling fan has 3 interlocking hand-balanced blades of solid wood, treated to prevent warping with milled finger-joints.  The beautiful design has 3 solid wood blades that slope gently upwards and which entirely cover the slimline, powerful brushless EC DC ultra-low energy motor.  The motor is 70% more efficient than an AC motor, more controllable for speed and also more robust and reliable against electrical variations and power surges.
The fan comes in 2 sizes a 60″/152cm and a 72″/180cm. The larger one can move a huge 18,000 m3/h of air in a gently laminar flow at a maximum speed of 173 rpm using  just 26 watts of power – quite amazing!  Styled just like the propeller of an old biplane, but without the noise as this fan is totally silent (no electrical buzzes, hums, vibrations or wobbles) and also very slow moving hence no wind movement  noise either and so is perfect for bedrooms too.  The Zephyr comes complete with hanging kit, drop rod, 6 speed remote, a Lifetime Warranty on the motor and 3 year on the finish.  This fan is perfect for large areas such as restaurants, offices, theatres, halls, conference rooms and large lounges. For more details and to buy please visit the main site.
Zephyr airplane comparison
Slider figure and sizes for 60 inches Henleyfan_zephyr_Eco_low_energy_ceiling_fan_walnut Henleyfan_zephyr_Eco_low_energy_ceiling_fan_walnut_closeup Zephyr_ceiling_fan_remote_control
