01256 636 509 Winter Office Hours 9.00-12.30pm. Sale last few days! [email protected]

Lucci Air Airclimate Fusion Ranges Now Available

We have now taken stock of the amazing range of ultra low energy  DC fans from Lucci with supersede the VAM Factory fans.  Using pioneering DC technology these fans are up to 70% more efficient than an equivalent AC fan for the same air movement.  Running at just 3 watts on low speed and going up to 35 watts at maximum this fan can just be left on all night with an window open to cool a room so that it is lovely and cool in the morning.  This beautiful range is made to very high specification with a German GS safety standard approval giving a more reliable fan with a better warranty.  These come with a 6 speed remote control and mounting drop rod.  They give an up-to-date contemporary look to any room.  Perfect for the home, office or restaurants and other shops the Lucci Air has already become a very popular range in Pacific Asia and Southern Europe.  To order please visit here.
DC Low energy ceiling fan
