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McAlpine Universal Waste Disposer Unit Fitting 1 1/2″


McAlpine top quality double-tubed trap for quickly fitting a waste disposal unit.  This is fully adjustable and connects to the outlet elbow that comes with the WDU. Makes fitting a WDU a breeze!

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McAlpine Universal Waste Disposer Unit Fitting 1 1/2″

This universal trap fitting works with Waste Force, Waste King and most brands of waste disposal unit that have a standard UK BSP 1 1/2″ outlet elbow.   The fitting has a 1 1/2″ BSP spigot and thread screw to attached to the WDU and the other side is a standard 1 1/2″ multifit.  It enables them to be connected quickly and in a very sturdy way to your existing waste outlet T junction or elbow under the sink. This is important since your unit will sometimes vibrate very strongly when in operation and if the outlet pipework is not sturdy it could shake loose in time. See picture above showing them joined.  McAlpine are the market leaders in plastic plumbing traps, were the first UK manufacturers of such traps and are still considered the best available today. This trap has a patented seal and inner tube system which means it can fit both 40 mm and 1.5 inch pipes, push fit and solvent weld sizes.

Fitting – The vertical pipe attaches onto the 90 degree elbow outlet of the waste disposer and provides vertical movement for easy positioning when attaching to the existing T which is underneath the main bowl. All that is needed is a short length of pipe ( 4-6 inches but just cut to fit ) to connect in to the existing T under your sink and job done!  If you only have a bend in the existing pipework then just add a standard 1 1/2″ sweep T bend V1M (right) to accommodate the pipe from the WDU fitting.  The sweep helps the flow of the waste with reduced back pressure.


1. All modern push fit couplings are the same size regardless of make. Solvent weld is a slightly larger size to avoid non-solvent pipe being used in error.

2. Compression fittings are designed slightly larger for two reasons. Firstly, to allow joins where the pipes are joined slightly at an angle or offset, and secondly to allow coupling of solvent and pushfit as well as older imperial pipe sizes. Joints may feel loose, but should always produce a watertight seal.

3. Do not use any bottle traps as the flow from a WDU will contain a lot of solids and will easily get blocked up.

Multifit Connections suit all plastic waste pipes to BS EN 1451-1-2000 and BS EN 1329-1:2000, copper pipe ( metric or imperial ) and lead pipe. The moulded internal sleeve of the connection, centres and supports the pipe. The multifit and friction washers ensure a secure seal is made between the pipe and the wall of the fitting. When the compression nut is turned hand tight the best possible mechanical joint is complete. If a plastic pipe is undersize, or out of shape, the end may require to be warmed to enable it to be pushed over the internal sleeve.

  •  75 mm Water Seal
  •  Multifit Compression Outlet suits all plastic, copper and lead pipe
  •  Adjustable inlet makes trap suitable for all domestic repair, maintenance and improvement work
  •  Manufactured in polypropylene
  •  Conforms to BS EN 274-1:2002

Price includes postage & packing.


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