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Why Ceiling Fans are the Best Cooling Solution

When it comes to cooling the air, a field of products and methods can be found upon a simple Google search. These can often be very overwhelming and it is hard to understand which is: most effective, environmentally friendly, cost efficient – there are a whole range of factors to consider. Ceiling fans are in fact top dog when all these factors are considered and the easiest way to see this is to compare them to other cooling methods.
The most popular product when you think of cooling a room is air conditioning. Ever since the 1950s, homes in places such as America have been using air conditioning. Nowadays however, air conditioning is considered an unwise purchase due to a number of reasons:

  1. AC units are incredibly ugly. The common system used for buildings is comprised of a large, dull grey box, with a fan grill on one side. Because of this, AC units both detract from the beauty of many historical houses that can be found in Britain and make flats or modern houses look boring and dull. A fantastic alternative therefore are ceiling fans as there are a wide range of designs, meaning one will almost certainly fit in well with your house, and room’s theme. We recommend our 1886 Series ceiling fan if you wish to retain the historical feel of your home.
  2. Air Conditioning is very expensive. The New York Times reported that a “good” air conditioning unit uses a staggering 3 kilowatts per hour compared with just 30 watts for a ceiling fan; that’s 36 cents per hour and 1 cent per hour, respectively. This may not sound like much, but after 2 weeks of having AC on for just 8 hours a day, you would rack up a bill of 40.32 dollars, compared with just 14 cents from a ceiling fan.
  3. Air conditioning causes health problems. AC promotes the growth and spread of micro-organisms, such as the infectious agent responsible for Legionnaire’s disease. Air conditioning also has a negative effect on the skin and eyes, drying them out and making the result very uncomfortable. Ceiling fans do not contain water towers or anything else which could allow the growth of organisms – simply a motor. Ceiling fans neither create dry air, nor cause negative effects on the skin because of this meaning the result is much more comforting.

You may think that simply opening a window or two is enough to cool your house, however this is often ineffective and makes no difference. When the window is simply open, the air is not circulating and therefore the room does not get any cooler.  Opening a window in conjunction with the use of a ceiling fan however will produce cooling effects as the air inside the room will be moved by the fan, causing air from outside to be drawn in and in turn making the room overall cooler.
Finally, desk fans are another popular alternative as they are cheaper and portable, allowing for mobility between rooms. Desk fans are very useful because of this, however they only provide a direct channel of air rather than cooling the whole room. This is fine in situations such as when you are sitting at a desk, as you will not be moving, however if there are multiple persons in the room or you are looking for a wider range of cooling, a ceiling fan should be used. One of our most popular models is the Rockefeller desk fan as it looks great and is cheaper than a ceiling fan.
