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The Use of Ceiling Fans in Hot Countries

Ceiling Fans are used around the world, shown here in a condo in Mexico.

Ceiling Fans are used around the world, shown here in a condo in Mexico.

Ceiling fans have been around since the 1860’s and actually began life in the United States, being powered not by motors, but by a stream of running water.  Nowadays, ceiling fans are everywhere and many of us would associate the use of them with hot climates.  Cold countries however, such as Russia, have a place for fans as well and somewhere like here in the UK is perfect for a ceiling fan as we can benefit from its use as a cooler and as a heater.
But why are ceiling fans so widely used in hot climates? The expansion of ceiling fans really took off in the mid 20th century in places such as East Asia, where they realised that the benefits of them, namely low energy and ease of installation, far outweighed those of complex air conditioning systems. In modern times, ceiling fans are still wide spread and their use in countries with mainly hot or cold climates only adds to the practicality of having one. Ceiling Fans, such as Hunter, can be used in tourist resorts during the summer in order to keep guests comfortable and to increase the aesthetic style of the room they are in. There are also benefits for the accommodation/restaurant owner as well, as with an increase in guest happiness comes an increase in custom. To find out more about why Hunter fans are used in vacation homes, as well as buildings in tourist rich areas, click here.
It may be obvious as to why ceiling fans are used in hot countries, but what about cold ones? Whereas with air conditioning only cold air can be produced, with ceiling fans, hot air already present in the room can be recirculated to where people will actually feel it. This is because hot air rises and therefore on a cold day, those in the room will feel the cold air near the floor, not the warm air at the ceiling. To stop this stratospheric balance from occurring, a ceiling fan’s blades can spin in the opposite direction to usual, therefore preventing a wind chill effect and also circulating the cold air from the floor to the top of the room. This air then pushes the warm air out of the way which promptly falls to the ground. The use of this both increases comfort and lowers energy bills as it means you can set your thermostat at a lower temperature without having to sacrifice heat. A more in depth description, along with an interesting diagram, can be found here
Hunter fans are a great option to consider when looking to purchase a fan for the reasons outlined above. Some of our best and most popular fans, such as the Classic Original or Savoy are picked not just for their elegant style, but also for their assured quality and efficiency. The Savoy is simple and effective, adding so much to the room its in yet taking nothing away.  Hotels and restaurants abroad choose to use Hunter because they know the difference that a quality ceiling fan can make.
