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Heatwave Brings Double The Average Temperatures

The great weather this week has bought record temperatures with 26° C here in Twyford in the early afternoon on Tuesday.  That is pretty amazing for April which typically has temperatures more like half of that.  I know it is in my car but I was driving and it had reached steady state and I checked on my high-low thermometer when I got home.  According to the Met Office the highest UK temperature on record for April though was on 16th April 1949 when the temperature reached 29.4 °C in Camden Square, London.
The temperature inside my conservatory reached 39° C on Tuesday even with all the windows open until I turned on my ceiling fan which quickly reduced it to the ambient outside temperature of 26° C.   A ceiling fan will bring benefits all the year round with essential cooling from March to September and saving heat energy in the winter months.  With temperatures like these it is a “no-brainer” so why not fit one now?
