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You might not have taken a deep thought about it but NOT CLEANING your ceiling fan blades can actually pose a health risk.
It is important to check from time to time the amount of dust that is accumulated on your ceiling fan blades. If the accumulation starts to form black and dark patterns then you must definitely do some cleaning already.
Follow these simple steps in cleaning your fan blades and you’ll ensure a clean and healthy breathing air surrounding your place.
Step 1: Turn off your fan as a safety precaution.
Step 2: Gather old cloths and spread them under your ceiling fan. This shall catch the dust that will later on fall during the cleaning.
Step 3: Prepare a spray bottle and place clean water in it. Add 2 tablespoon of vinegar. Spray some on a sponge or a pillow case. (Any of the two will do). Prepare a dry cloth.
Step 4: Get a step ladder and climb on it bringing with you the water vinegar solution on a spray bottle, the dry cloth and the sponge or pillow case.
Step 5: Stand on the step ladder in such a way where your head is just above the blades and you can clearly see them. Wipe the blades using the sponge sprayed with the solution. Use the dry cloth to remove residual grease on the blades.
If however your ceiling fan is situated so high that you can’t reach it, you can opt to use a ceiling-fan duster to brush off the dusts.
There is no rule to how often you clean your ceiling fan blades. But it follows that the more frequent you use it, the more you need to regularly clean it.
Always take note of the indication when your fan blades need cleaning. Accumulated dusts are visible and once you see it darken, then you shall start dusting it off.
Why is there a need to regularly clean the ceiling fan blades? Can’t you just let it sit there the whole year round?
Cleaning your ceiling fan blades is definitely a must. Regardless if the fan is situated indoors or outdoors, taking a closer look at the dirt it accumulates is necessary.
This is because ceiling fan helps in the circulation of air around the room. Meaning, whatever dust particles present therein will be circulated as well which means it’s possible for you to inhale it.
So just imagine how it would be like to have dust particles sticking on the blades itself and circulating around your place as the blade turns.
Not cleaning the blades is a health risk and if a family member has issues in asthma and other things that concerns the respiratory system, then an unclean ceiling fan is a very big NO-NO.
Now let me ask you, how are you doing so far in cleaning your ceiling fan blades? How often do you do it? And are you using the same water-vinegar combination or did you find something better?
Share them with us!
