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Customer Delighted With Star Fan For Upstairs Office

This customer wanted a small fan that sat well in her small home office that despite having an open skylight window still became unbearably hot as soon as the sun came out even in the early Spring.  The Star fan is from the biggest ceiling fan retailer in Israel which sells over 250,000 fans a year and sold in the UK by The Henley Fan Company.  It is remarkably stylish with its modern glass light kit.  The fan is very effective and quietly moves all the air from the office without creating a draft, cooling down the walls considerably leading to a great improvement in the temperature.  Since the fan has bigger blades rotating at 180 rpm it is far more effective than a noisy small desk fan.  The customer was so impressed that she added one to her bedroom and lounge too.  Many people working at home make use of small loft or offices set into the roof space.  Even just being upstairs can get very hot from Spring to the Autumn so the Star fan makes a perfect companion to improve comfort and productivity.

