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Thumbs up for the Lucci Airfusion Climate II Ceiling Fan

The beautiful Lucci Airfusion Climate II ceiling fan has made Editor’s Choice for the second time this year.  This time it has won recognition by Period Ideas magazine which is a major UK national specialising in ideas for period homes and interiors.  Despite it’s contemporary look it still sits well in a period interior due to its simple brown colours and wooden effect blades.  Being driven by an ultra low energy DC motor also makes this a very environmentally friendly option running on an incredible 3 watts at the slowest of it’s 6 speeds.  A ceiling fan is a great solution to provide cooling in a period or listed property since no intrusive air ducting is required which means no damage to the fabric of the building.  They are also silent and don’t create dry air that would dry out the timbers but gently move air around to ensure evenness of temperature providing great comfort without any of the damage of air conditioning.
The Airfusion Climate is designed and made by the largest lighting company in Australia where it has won great success and acclaim.  It is now finding similar accord in Europe where it has become one of our most popular fans and for obvious reasons.
period ideas editors choice
